Do you want to get your life moving, in mind and body? – Then dance!
In dance improvisation you follow your own movements. There are no predefined sequences of steps. You sense yourself, and your movements begin to flow. You experiment with curiosity, and discover new worlds of movement. Your dance becomes more varied – and so does your life.
Different genres of familiar and unexpected music inspire and carry you. Playful perception and movement exercises, images, and fantasy journeys stimulate you. In an appreciative and trusting environment you relax, find yourself, and go home refreshed and exhilarated.
My mind and body are one. I can relieve stress and recharge my batteries …
Current courses

Weekly, Wednesdays
20.00 – 22.00 hrs
55 € per month
Annett Fellmann
Berliner Str. 120,
10713 Berlin
(U-Bhf. Blissestr.)

Every second month
Sat. or Sun.
14.00 – 17.00 hrs
40 € per class
NEW Workshop
Sa. 30.11.2024
La Caminada
Böckhstr. 21
10967 Berlin


Dance Improvisation
We get in the mood with relaxing and invigorating movements. Pilates, and Gaga by Ohad Naharin, are proven methods for this. In the improvisation, guided and free sequences alternate.
In the guided stages, …
you receive input from me through playful exercises and images. You get involved with new ideas and discover unfamiliar movements. In the guided improvisation you are also free to choose your own movements.
In free dance …
you learn to trust your own instincts. You move without strain or demand, and experiment to find out what is good for your body. More and more you trust yourself and your ideas. Assumptions fade into the background. You let yourself be who you are, and have fun with yourself and your fellow dancers. You gain self-confidence and joy.

Listening to music …
has a balancing and invigorating effect. If you let it flow into you and let it move you, an intense journey emerges. Emotions flow. You move with them and through them. Step by step you let go. Stress falls away. Everything becomes lighter. You are in harmony with yourself and your body. You feel your strength and love of life.
Tango dances with jazz

Who leads, who follows?
Dancing in a group …

I am free here and I can be me. The music makes my emotions flow.
Movement determines our lives. Without a heartbeat and breathing we would not exist. Even prehistoric man danced; babies in the womb react to rhythm with movement. All of our experiences are stored in the body. They shape our memory. If you work in dance, drama or therapy, the body is the focus for:
- Adaptation and confidence
- Self-awareness and presence
- Leading and following
- Distance and closeness
- Dealing with body contact
Through perception and movement exercises you develop these themes and make them come alive. In dance improvisation, movements are not fixed. They come spontaneously from within, and directly show our mood. We thereby face our own, and others‘, evaluations. Those who accept this challenge feel strengthened and happy. With a movement concept that suits you, you promote this process.
Music is another component that can play a role in your work. Listening to music stimulates more brain areas than any of our other senses. Rhythm animates the motor system; melody animates the speech center and emotions. Music awakens memories, conveys ideas, and inspires action. You learn new things and are rewarded with positive motivation from, say, Manfred Spitzer’s The Musical Brain or Julia Christensen/Dong-Seon Chang’s „Dancing is the Best Medicine. I will show you how to use these musical treasures for your own work. Music opens and supports themes. In the course of my work I have gathered a lot of knowledge about music and its effects. In individual coaching, I will show you how to address topics and make them come alive with carefully-chosen music. Together we will develop a musical concept according to your goals.
I have always looked at art. In dance improvisation I am part of a work of art.
About me
I am a trained stage dancer and have practised at the City Theatre in Bonn. Later I studied social pedagogy at the FHSS Berlin and trained as a Gestalt teacher at the Institute for Integrative Gestalt Therapy in Würzburg.
Since 1989 I have been leading dance improvisation groups, as well as further-education and training seminars, for various institutes: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rollenspielpädagogik und Szenische Gruppenverfahren e.V.; Sozialpädagogisches Fortbildungswerk Brandenburg; Therapeutisches Institut Berlin; Berliner Institut für Lehrerfort- und -weiterbildung sowie Schulentwicklung.
I also give private lessons and offer individual coaching.
Dancing has always been my passion. At first I was enthusiastic about classical ballet. In 1979 I discovered dance improvisation. It gives me the opportunity to express myself in movement.
Every improvisation is a step into the unknown – an adventure that is worthwhile. This daring and light approach to new things has helped me, in my professional and private life, to take risks and achieve my goals.
With dance improvisation, I realize my idea of dance – with its gratifying and healing effect – and pass this experience on to others.

I have become much more courageous, the Now I’m dancing alone on the dance floor.